Welcome to Rustic Plank Furniture
I'm Andrew Broome, a skilled cabinet maker - this website is a showcase for my distinctive range of Rustic Plank Furniture that I hand-craft in my Cheshire workshop and sell online.
Bespoke rustic plank furniture, hand-made to order in our Cheshire workshop
If you don't see exactly what you want, it is very likely that I'll be able to build tables, chairs, beds or wardrobes to your particular specifications.
Featured Products

3 Door 2 Drawer Plank Wardrobe in light wax
3 Drawer 3 Cupboard dresser base
3 drawer 3 door dresser base
Alcove cupboard
From £320.00
Bedding box / Toy box
£175.00Latest Additions

Four drawer dressing table mirror
Chunky TV / Entertainment unit with 2 doors and central shelves
Dressing Table
£190.00Bespoke Furniture

Large Dining Table with matching Bench Seats
Tuesday 11 June 2013
Large Storage Unit with Eight CD Drawers
Tuesday 11 June 2013